
How to solve jitter when metal plasma cutting machine cuts underwater

When the Metal plasma cutting machine underwater cutting, there may be a jitter situation, a card to go the problem of guiding clearance and transmission clearance adjustment is not in place, then how to adjust it? The following is the solution:

1. Metal plasma cutting machine guide clearance adjustment

The guide clearance refers to the clearance between the two guide roller and the front guide two. There is a guide clearance between a transverse sliding frame (or torch cutting trailer) and a transverse front guide rail (or beam) and a guide clearance between a longitudinal sliding frame and a longitudinal front guide rail. Too much guiding gap will affect the verticality and movement accuracy of X direction and Y direction. Turning the guide roller on both sides of the front guide lightly, you can feel the size of the guiding gap. In each pair of guide wheels, the inner guide wheels are installed by eccentric shaft, and the shaft extension ends for adjustment are arranged above them.

The steering gap can be adjusted by rotating the eccentric shaft. When adjusting, do not press the guide roller too tightly to the side of the track. Generally, the eccentric shaft is gently rotated. When the guide roller is felt to press to the side of the track, a small angle is reversed to make it have a small clearance, and then the eccentric shaft is locked tightly. The longitudinal carriage has two pairs of guide wheels for the longitudinal front rails, so there are two adjusting eccentric axes. The guide structure of the transverse sliding frame to the transverse front track is similar to that of the longitudinal sliding frame to the longitudinal front track, and the adjustment method is also the same.

2. adjustment of transmission gap of Metal plasma cutting machine

The movement of X and Y direction of NC cutting machine is realized by stepper motor/servo motor driven by gear and rack. The running characteristics of stepper motor used in NC cutting machine are that every time the computer gives a control pulse, the stepper motor takes a step and the pulse frequency is high. High speed, fast walking, low pulse frequency and slow walking.

Stepper motor, a step-by-step stop operation mode, requires that the transmission system can not have clearances, otherwise it will produce serious noise and even lose pace, which is completely different from the conventional transmission system requires appropriate transmission clearance. Whether the transmission system has large clearance can be judged from running noise. The clearance should be adjusted once the Metal plasma cutting machine has been used for a period of time.

The pinion in the transmission box is fixed together with the output shaft of the stepping motor, and the warp shaft of the big gear is positioned on the transmission box. Therefore, the adjustment of gear transmission clearance in the transmission box can loosen the stepper motor's fixation on the transmission box, and the stepper motor and the pinion can be tightened together in the direction of the big gear. When adjusting, the purpose of eliminating clearance is not to make the gears and gears too tight.

The transmission box of the NC cutting machine is fixed with the transverse sliding frame and the longitudinal sliding frame respectively. The clearance adjustment between gear and rack can loosen the fixed bolt of the transmission box on the sliding frame and tighten the whole transmission box after tightening the rack. Similarly, when adjusting Metal plasma cutting machines, the purpose of eliminating clearance is not to make the gears and rack too tight.



Contact: Jinan Rebound CNC Machine Co.,Ltd.

Phone: 0086-13296443055

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Add: Lotus Road, Li Cheng District, Jinan City, Shandong province, China