
How to maintain parts of CNC plasma cutting machine?

The ways to maintain the parts of the CNC plasma cutting machine.

1. Maintenance of plasma cutting machine torch

plasma torch

Correct and careful installation of the cutting torch to ensure all parts fit well, ensure gas and cooling air flow. Install all the components on the clean flannelette to avoid visviss sticking to the parts. Add appropriate lubricating oil to the O ring, and the O ring will be brightened.

2. Consumables of the plasma cutting machine should be replaced in time before they are completely damaged.

plasma machine nozzle and electrode

The consumables should not be replaced with complete damage, because the badly worn electrodes, nozzle and swirl rings will produce an un controlled plasma arc, which can easily cause serious damage to the cutting torch. Therefore, when the cutting quality is first found, the consumption should be checked in time.

3. Maintenance of connecting thread

When replacing consumables or routine maintenance checks, ensure that the inside and outside threads of the cutting torch are clean, and if necessary, clean or repair threaded connections.

4. Clean surface of electrode and nozzle

In many CNC plasma cutting machine torches, the surface of the nozzle and the electrode is a charged contact surface. If there are dirty objects one surfaces, the cutting torch can not work properly, and the hydrogen peroxide cleaning agent should be used to clean it.



Contact: Jinan Rebound CNC Machine Co.,Ltd.

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Add: Lotus Road, Li Cheng District, Jinan City, Shandong province, China