
What CNC cutting machines can we use for metal cutting

Commonly used CNC cutting is divided into the following four CNC plasma cutting machine, CNC water cutter cutting machine, CNC laser cutting machine, CNC flame cutting machine and so on. The water jet cutter has small incision, smooth incision and no material limitation. Flame cutting machine for thick carbon steel material. Plasma cutting machine cutting speed is also very fast, the cutting surface has a certain slope. Laser cutting machine is the most efficient, the highest cutting precision, and the cutting thickness is generally smaller. The following four pairs of cutting methods will be compared briefly. We hope to help you:

1. CNC water jet cutter.

Cutting quality: cold cutting: no heat effect, no quenching effect;

Production capacity: high cutting accuracy. No perforation is required when drilling holes in various materials.

Operation Cost: - Water knife cutting small slits, can save the use of materials, reduce waste of resources, low operating costs

Maintenance mode: usually, simple maintenance can be carried out by factory maintenance team.

2. CNC flame cutting machine.

Cutting quality: good dip angle. Large area affected by heat. Large amount of slag, need rework.

Production capacity: slow cutting speed preheating time will increase perforation times.

Operation cost: low productivity and rework, resulting in higher cost per operation than plasma.

3. CNC plasma cutting machine

Cutting quality: - Excellent inclination, small heat affected area, basically no slag, good to excellent fine cutting effect

Production capacity: cutting metal materials of various thickness is extremely fast and fast.

Operation cost: - Long service life, good production efficiency, excellent cutting quality, resulting in a single operation cost lower than other technologies

4. CNC laser cutting machine

Cutting quality: - Excellent inclination, small heat affected area, basically no slag, good to excellent fine cutting effect under the narrowest bending conditions

Productivity: - Cutting torch can be quickly removed, improve production efficiency. Cutting thickness of less than 6 mm metal material is extremely fast, the thicker the metal, the slower the speed. The thicker the metal, the longer the piercing time. General laser cutting is used in non-metal cutting metal. Only high precision laser cutting will be used.

Operation Cost: - The cost of a single operation is high due to the high consumption of electricity and gas, high maintenance costs and relatively low cutting speed when cutting thicker materials.

Maintenance mode: the need for professional and technical personnel to complete complex maintenance work!



Contact: Jinan Rebound CNC Machine Co.,Ltd.

Phone: 0086-13296443055

Tel: 0086-0531-88804682


Add: Lotus Road, Li Cheng District, Jinan City, Shandong province, China